孟加拉国首席顾问尤努斯(Yunus)向7月的起义受害者致敬, Bangladesh's Chief Adviser Yunus honors July uprising victims, pledges aid and justice.
孟加拉首席顾问Muhammad Yunus教授将七月起义受害者视为“活史”, Professor Muhammad Yunus, Bangladesh's Chief Adviser, honored victims of the July uprising as "living history" and assured families of justice for those involved in violence. 他还发起了一项财政援助方案,向烈士家属提供30万塔卡和每月津贴,并向受伤个人提供各种财政赠款和医疗福利。 He also launched a financial aid program, providing martyrs' families with Taka 30 lakh and monthly allowances, and offering injured individuals varying financial grants and medical benefits. 政府承认了834名烈士,并计划尽快列出受伤人员名单。 The government has recognized 834 martyrs and plans to list injured individuals soon.