诺贝尔奖获得者尤努斯和他的议会在暴雨期间在萨瓦尔国家纪念馆向解放战争烈士致敬. Nobel laureate Yunus and his council honored Liberation War martyrs at the National Memorial in Savar during a heavy rainfall.
诺贝尔奖获得者穆罕默德·尤努斯(孟加拉国临时政府首席顾问)及其咨询委员会成员向在萨瓦尔国家纪念碑的孟加拉国解放战争烈士致敬。 Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, as Chief Adviser of Bangladesh's interim government, and his advisory council members honored the martyrs of Bangladesh's Liberation War at the National Memorial in Savar. 活动在暴雨中进行,一支军事特遣队向国家致敬。 The event took place in heavy rain, with a military contingent presenting a state salute. 临时政府成员后来向达卡中央沙希德米纳尔语言运动烈士致敬。 The interim government members later paid tribute to the martyrs of the Language Movement at the Central Shaheed Minar in Dhaka.