澳大利亚政府开始补贴更年期妇女的激素治疗,大大降低了成本。 Australian government begins subsidizing hormone therapies for menopausal women, significantly reducing costs.
澳大利亚政府将从 3 月 1 日开始补贴更年期妇女的激素治疗,使 Estrogel Pro、Estrogel 和 Prometrium 等治疗更加实惠。 The Australian government will subsidize hormone therapies for menopausal women starting March 1, making treatments like Estrogel Pro, Estrogel, and Prometrium more affordable. 符合条件的患者如果领取养老金或优惠,则每月将支付 7.70 美元,普通患者每月支付 31.60 美元。 Eligible patients will pay $7.70 monthly if they are on pensions or concessions, or $31.60 for general patients. 此举旨在解决女性健康方面的差距,减少之前每年 650 美元的费用,并在选举后等待更多诊所和 Medicare 回扣的额外计划。 This move aims to address gaps in women's health and reduce the previous $650 annual cost, with additional plans for more clinics and Medicare rebates pending after the election.