航空公司更新了里程累积规则,可能不包括某些机票或航班;检查具体信息。 Airlines update mile-earning rules, potentially excluding some tickets or flights; check specifics.
航空公司正在改变关于旅客何时可以赚取里程的政策。 Airlines are changing their policies on when travelers can earn miles. 通常,搭乘航空公司或其合作伙伴运营的航班可赚取里程,但新规则可能不包括某些机票或航班。 Generally, miles are earned on flights operated by the airline or its partners, but new rules may exclude certain tickets or flights. 请查看您的航空公司的具体计划以了解详细信息,以避免意外。 Check your airline's specific program for details to avoid surprises.