Airlines澄清了赚取飞行常客里程的规则,强调需要符合资格的机票和注册号码。 Airlines clarify rules for earning frequent flyer miles, emphasizing the need for eligible tickets and registered numbers.
为了在航班上赚取飞行常客里程,乘客必须乘坐符合资格的机票,并将他们的飞行常客号加到预定座位上。 To earn frequent flyer miles on flights, passengers need to fly on eligible tickets and add their frequent flyer number to their reservation. 多数航班和各种票种,包括用凭单或信用卡购买的航班和票种,都赚取里程。 Most flights and various ticket types, including those bought with vouchers or credit cards, earn miles. 里程是根据票价和常客地位而不是距离飞行而授予的。 Miles are awarded based on ticket price and frequent flyer status rather than distance flown. 并非所有航班都能赚里程,特别是如果没有提供飞行常客号码,或航班被取消。 Not all flights earn miles, especially if the frequent flyer number is not provided or if the flight is canceled. 航空公司可以允许对错过的里程提出追溯性索赔。 Airlines may allow retroactive claims for missed miles.