来自纽约、VT和19个州的AG反对Trump为联邦雇员制定的“叉子在路上”计划,一名法官暂时阻止了该计划。 AGs from NY, VT, and 19 states oppose Trump's "Fork in the Road" plan for federal employees, with a judge temporarily blocking it.
纽约和佛蒙特州总检察长与另外19名律师一起,对特朗普政府提出的“Fork in the Road”计划提出异议,该计划向联邦雇员提供“推迟辞职”的薪水,直到2025年9月30日。 New York and Vermont's attorneys general, along with 19 others, have filed a brief opposing the Trump administration's "Fork in the Road" plan, which offers federal employees a "deferred resignation" with pay until September 30, 2025. 代表80多万雇员的工会对该计划提出质疑,认为这会损害国家应对灾害和支助退伍军人的能力。 Unions representing over 800,000 employees challenged the plan, arguing it would harm states' abilities to respond to disasters and support veterans. 一名法官在等待进一步审查之前,暂时阻挠了该计划。 A judge temporarily blocked the plan, pending further review.