调查显示,2024年,62%的加拿大人在社交媒体上面临健康方面的错误信息,导致负面影响。 Survey reveals 62% of Canadians faced health misinformation on social media in 2024, leading to negative impacts.
最近加拿大医学协会的一项调查显示,2024年,62%的加拿大人遇到健康错误信息,主要来自社交媒体。 A recent Canadian Medical Association survey revealed that 62% of Canadians encountered health misinformation in 2024, largely from social media. 年轻加拿大人更依赖于社交媒体获取新闻, Younger Canadians, who rely more on social media for news, are particularly vulnerable. 对3 700多人的调查还发现,23%的人因接受网上咨询而受到负面的健康影响。 The survey of over 3,700 people also found that 23% experienced negative health impacts from following online advice. 随着Meta在社交媒体上禁止可信的新闻, CMA呼吁社会媒体平台加强问责制, With Meta banning credible news on social media, the CMA calls for better accountability from social media platforms to combat misinformation.