专家说,由于缺乏防止虚假信息战略,新西兰面临健康风险。 New Zealand faces health risks due to lack of strategy against disinformation, experts say.
新西兰缺乏打击可能危害公共卫生的虚假信息的战略。 New Zealand lacks a strategy to combat disinformation, which can harm public health. 故意传播误导的虚假信息增加了疫苗犹豫不决的现象,破坏了对科学的信任。 Disinformation, deliberately spread to mislead, has increased vaccine hesitancy and undermined trust in science. 专家警告说,如果没有监测和反击虚假的叙事,该国就容易受到健康风险的影响。 Experts warn that without monitoring and countering false narratives, the country is vulnerable to health risks. 需要在追踪网上错误信息方面进行基本投资,以查明有害趋势并保护公共健康。 A basic investment in tracking online misinformation is needed to identify harmful trends and protect public health.