堪培拉大学(University of Canberra)专家Sora Park主张对科技公司进行监管或拆分,并出台法律来打击错误信息的传播,同时支持媒体素养计划。 University of Canberra expert Sora Park advocates for regulating or breaking up tech companies and introducing laws to combat misinformation spread, while supporting media literacy programs.
堪培拉大学专家Sora Park呼吁对主要技术公司进行监管或解散,以打击错误信息的扩散。 Universities of Canberra expert Sora Park calls for the regulation or breakup of major tech companies to combat the spread of misinformation. 最近一项涉及4,442名澳大利亚成年人的研究发现,90%的政府认为政府应该制定法律,确保社交媒体平台消除有害的错误信息,其中66%遇到了虚假或可能虚假的信息。 A recent study involving 4,442 Australian adults found 90% believe governments should introduce laws to ensure social media platforms remove harmful misinformation, with 66% having encountered false or potentially false information. Park教授认为,媒体素养计划是一个长期的解决方案,同时承认人工智能制造错误信息的能力越来越强。 Professor Park suggests media literacy programs are a long-term solution, while acknowledging AI's increasing ability to create misinformation. 她强调,需要为低媒体识字率者制定有针对性的媒体扫盲方案,并倡导政府支持可靠的新闻来源。 She emphasizes the need for targeted media literacy programs for those with lower media literacy and advocates for governments to support trusted news sources.