研究发现,在有大肚子、糖尿病或高血压的人中,酒精将肝脏损伤风险增加一倍。 Study finds alcohol doubles liver damage risk in people with big bellies, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
最近的一项研究表明,有大肚子、糖尿病或高血压而饮酒者面临严重肝脏损伤的风险要高得多。 A recent study reveals that individuals with large bellies, diabetes, or high blood pressure who consume alcohol face a significantly higher risk of serious liver damage. 具有上述任何一种条件的人面临的风险几乎翻了一番,在饮酒时甚至会增加。 The risk nearly doubles for those with any of these conditions and increases even more when drinking. 该研究分析了来自41 000多人的数据,并强调了在超级碗等酒类消费呈上升趋势的事件期间谨慎行事的重要性。 The study, analyzed data from over 41,000 people, and highlights the importance of caution during events like the Super Bowl, where alcohol consumption tends to rise.