韩国银行计划3月关闭170家分行, South Korea's banks plan to close 170 branches by March due to growing mobile banking use.
韩国四大大银行计划在3月前关闭170多个分行,由于对移动银行的需求增加,这些分行的总数减至3 160个。 South Korea's four major banks plan to close 170 more physical branches by March, reducing their total to 3,160, due to increased demand for mobile banking. 网外分行减少的趋势不大可能逆转,因为互联网银行越来越受欢迎。 The trend towards fewer offline branches is unlikely to reverse as internet-only banks become more popular. 尽管利息收入有所增加,但批评者担心,这种减少可能会给更喜欢亲身银行业务的老年客户带来不便。 Despite a rise in interest income, critics worry that the reduction may inconvenience elderly customers who prefer in-person banking.