随着实体银行网点的减少,英国银行巴克莱银行、劳埃德银行、桑坦德银行和国民西敏寺银行不排除进一步关闭分行的可能性。 UK banks Barclays, Lloyds, Santander, and NatWest do not rule out further branch closures as physical bank sites decline.
由于实体银行网点急剧减少,英国银行巴克莱银行、劳埃德银行、桑坦德银行和国民西敏寺银行拒绝排除进一步关闭分行的可能性。 UK banks Barclays, Lloyds, Santander and NatWest refuse to rule out further branch closures amidst a dramatic decline in physical bank sites. 十多年来,巴克莱银行的分支机构已从 1,580 家减少到 300 家,而桑坦德银行目前拥有 444 家分支机构。 Over a decade, Barclays' branches have fallen from 1,580 to 300, while Santander currently has 444 branches. 银行老板们就营业额下降问题接受了国会议员的质询,但目前尚未宣布未来关闭分行的具体计划。 Bosses from the banks were questioned by MPs regarding the decline, however, no definite future plans for branch closures have been announced.