RG Kar医院强奸和谋杀受害者的父母与RSS头目Bhagwat会面,受到政治批评。 Parents of RG Kar hospital rape and murder victim meet RSS chief Bhagwat, drawing political criticism.
RG Kar医院强奸和谋杀案中一名受害者的父母在加尔各答会见了RSS头目Mohan Bhagwat。 The parents of a victim in the RG Kar hospital rape and murder case met with RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat in Kolkata. Bhagwat向他们保证他将努力确保司法公正。 Bhagwat assured them he would work to ensure justice. 这次会议是在受害者生日前一天举行的,受到TMC党的批评,该党指责该家庭有政治动机。 The meeting, which occurred a day before the victim's birthday, drew criticism from the TMC party, which accused the family of having political motives. 受害者的父母计划参加由医生协会组织的纪念方案。 The victim's parents plan to attend memorial programs organized by doctors' associations.