Amit Shah在CBI调查此案时,与一名被谋杀的医务人员的父亲会面。 Amit Shah meets with the father of a murdered medic as CBI investigates the case.
加尔各答RG Kar医学院一名已故女医生的父亲证实,他与联合内政部长Amit Shah交谈,后者邀请他参加一次会议,讨论为其女儿伸张正义的问题,女儿于8月被杀害。 The father of a deceased woman medic from RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata confirmed he spoke with Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who invited him for a meeting to discuss justice for his daughter, murdered in August. 父母先前曾于10月22日要求召开这次会议。 The parents had previously requested this meeting on October 22. 青年医生发动了为期42天的正义罢工,在政府保证后于9月21日结束。 Junior doctors had staged a 42-day strike for justice, ending on September 21 after government assurances. CBI在警方初次介入之后正在调查此案。 The CBI is now investigating the case after initial police involvement.