Kolkata初级医生抗议实习医生强奸和谋杀案件的司法缓慢。 Kolkata junior doctors protest slow justice in trainee doctor's rape and murder case.
加尔各答的初级医生正在为 RG Kar 医学院一名实习医生的强奸和谋杀案争取正义,他们对 CBI 的缓慢进展感到沮丧。 Junior doctors in Kolkata are rallying for justice in the rape and murder case of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College, frustrated with slow progress by the CBI. 只有一名嫌疑人Sanjay Roy面临指控,但抗议者相信还有其他人涉案。 Only one suspect, Sanjay Roy, faces charges, but protestors believe there were others involved. 在11月开始审判之后,预计将在1月18日作出判决。 The verdict is expected on January 18, following a trial that began in November. 此案还促使人们呼吁政府医院加强安全。 The case has also spurred calls for better security in government hospitals.