密歇根州立大学的汤姆·伊佐 (Tom Izzo) 为斯巴达人队赢得了职业生涯第 700 场胜利,在十大联盟中以 5-5 的战绩,在至关重要的 NCAA 锦标赛申办比赛中以 5-5 迎战马里兰大学。 Michigan State's Tom Izzo earns 700th career victory as Spartans, 5-5 in Big Ten, face 5-5 Maryland in crucial NCAA Tournament bid game.
密歇根州立大学主教练汤姆·伊佐本周赢得了他职业生涯的第 700 场胜利,但他的重点是帮助斯巴达人队以 5 胜 5 负的大十战绩和 13 胜 8 负的总战绩进入 NCAA 锦标赛。 Michigan State head coach Tom Izzo clinched his 700th career victory this week, but is focused on helping the Spartans reach the NCAA Tournament with a 5-5 record in the Big Ten and an 13-8 overall record. 周六,斯巴达人队将迎战马里兰州队,后者在分区赛中也取得了 5 胜 5 负的战绩。 The Spartans will face Maryland on Saturday, who also have a 5-5 record in the conference. 两支球队都以强劲的势头进入比赛,密歇根州大在过去五场比赛中赢了四场,马里兰州最近在朱利安·里斯 (Julian Reese) 的带领下战胜了内布拉斯加州大学,拿下 15 分和 16 个篮板。 Both teams are heading into the game with momentum, with Michigan State winning four out of their last five games and Maryland recently winning against Nebraska, led by Julian Reese's 15 points and 16 rebounds.