一个男人身处危急状态 周六早些时候在圣安东尼奥的派对附近 发生了一起车载枪击事件 A man is in critical condition after a drive-by shooting near a party in San Antonio early Saturday.
周六清晨2点左右, 一名25岁男子在圣安东尼奥的派对附近遭车载枪击身亡, 伤势危急。 A 25-year-old man is in critical condition after a drive-by shooting near a party in San Antonio early Saturday morning around 2 a.m. 事件发生在Hwy 90和S General McMullen附近。 The incident happened near Hwy 90 and S General McMullen. 受害人与开着一辆汽车的枪手之间的争论导致枪击。 The argument between the victim and the gunman, who was in a car, led to the shooting. 受害人被一名家庭成员送往医院。 The victim was taken to the hospital by a family member. San Antonio警察局正在调查此案。 The San Antonio Police Department is investigating the case.