San Antonio南区枪击案,36岁男子重伤,疑犯在逃。 36-year-old man critically injured in South Side San Antonio shooting; suspect at large.
San Antonio's South Side发生枪击事件后,36岁男子受重伤:星期六清晨,一名36岁男子在San Antonio South Side地区发生争吵时被枪杀,伤势危急。 36-year-old man critically injured after shooting on San Antonio's South Side: A 36-year-old man was shot during an argument on the South Side of San Antonio in the early hours of Saturday morning, leaving him in critical condition. 事件发生在东埃德蒙德大道500个街区。 The incident occurred in the 500 block of East Edmonds Avenue. 向受害人开枪的嫌疑人在枪击后逃离现场。 The suspect, who fired at the victim, fled the scene after the shooting.