一名男子在亚特兰大西南边停车场发生争端时被枪决,一人被拘留。 A man was critically shot during a dispute in a southwest Atlanta parking lot, and one person was detained.
一名男子在亚特兰大西南部一家餐馆外的停车场发生争执,于凌晨2点15分左右被枪杀,伤势严重。 A man is in critical condition after being shot during a dispute in a parking lot outside a restaurant in southwest Atlanta around 2:15 a.m. 这一论点升级为枪声,导致一人被拘留。 The argument escalated into gunfire, leading to one person being detained. 既未查明受害者也未查明被拘留者的身份,调查仍在进行中。 Neither the victim nor the detainee has been identified, and the investigation is ongoing. 当局鼓励任何有情报的人与亚特兰大警察局联系。 Authorities encourage anyone with information to contact the Atlanta Police Department.