艺术家Lily Bix-Daw面临罕见骨骼状况的手术, Artist Lily Bix-Daw faces surgery for rare bone condition, aiming to graduate despite challenges.
Lily Bix-Daw, 25岁来自Easthampton的有志艺术家, 准备在达拉斯接受复杂的手术, Lily Bix-Daw, a 25-year-old aspiring artist from Easthampton, is set to undergo complex surgery in Dallas to address her rare and painful condition, idiopathic condylar resorption (ICR). 尽管她的状况和最近失去母亲,Bix-Daw将于今年春天从马萨诸塞州安默斯特大学毕业。 Despite her condition and recent loss of her mother, Bix-Daw is set to graduate with her BA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst this spring. 手术费用约为 70,000 美元,是她康复的希望,使她能够攻读艺术硕士学位并从事美术事业。 The surgery, which will cost around $70,000, is her hope for recovery, allowing her to pursue an MFA and a career in fine arts.