缝纫天使为25岁以上的儿童捐赠了5万顶彩色外科手术帽,以缓解外科焦虑。 Sewing Angelic has donated 50,000 colorful surgical caps for children over 25 years to ease surgery anxiety.
Sewing Angelic是佛罗里达西南部的一个志愿者团体, 为25岁以上的儿童制作了5万个彩色外科手术帽。 Sewing Angelic, a volunteer group in Southwest Florida, has made 50,000 colorful surgical caps for children over 25 years. 该倡议由前护士Sandi Faulk创立,为儿童提供上限设计选择,帮助他们在手术前缓解焦虑。 Founded by former nurse Sandi Faulk, the initiative provides children with a choice of cap designs, helping ease their anxiety before surgery. 该方案已扩大到世界各地的医院,对年轻病人和志愿者都产生了积极的影响,在下水道中培养了一种社区意识和目的感。 The program, which has expanded to hospitals worldwide, has positively impacted both young patients and the volunteers, fostering a sense of community and purpose among the sewers.