患有复杂性区域疼痛综合征的 15 岁英国女孩需要 25,000 英镑来接受意大利医疗输液治疗,据信该治疗可以“治愈” CRPS。 15-year-old UK girl with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome needs £25,000 for Italian medical infusions believed to 'cure' CRPS.
来自英国莱斯特的 15 岁女孩伊兹·克莱门茨患有复杂性局部疼痛综合征 (CRPS),又称“自杀疾病”。 15-year-old Izzy Clements from Leicester, UK, suffers from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), or the "suicide disease." 在被误诊为饮食失调后,伊兹的腿痛加剧,迫使她辍学并依靠轮椅生活。 After misdiagnosis with an eating disorder, Izzy's leg pain worsened, forcing her to leave school and rely on a wheelchair. 马略卡岛的以氯胺酮为基础的治疗并没有起到缓解作用,促使她的母亲筹集 25,000 英镑到意大利进行医疗输液,相信可以永久“治愈” CRPS。 Ketamine-based treatment in Majorca provided no relief, prompting her mother to raise £25,000 for medical infusions in Italy, believed to permanently 'cure' CRPS.