叙利亚的库尔德人为维护文化权利而斗争, Kurds in Syria fight to preserve cultural rights and face conflict with Turkish-backed rebels.
叙利亚的库尔德人约占战前人口的10%, 他们为保留内战期间获得的文化权利而斗争, Kurds in Syria, who make up about 10% of the prewar population, are fighting to keep cultural rights they gained during the civil war, like teaching Kurdish in schools and openly celebrating their New Year, Nowruz. 它们寻求权力下放,而不是完全自治,并在击败伊斯兰国方面发挥了关键作用。 They seek decentralization rather than full autonomy and played a key role in defeating ISIS. 然而,他们面临着与土耳其支持的叛乱分子的持续冲突,以及在维持其文化和政治成果方面的挑战。 However, they face ongoing conflict with Turkish-backed rebels and challenges in maintaining their cultural and political gains.