土耳其寻求与叙利亚、伊拉克和约旦签订反对伊斯兰国的契约,迫使美国切断与库尔德激进分子的联系。 Turkey seeks pact with Syria, Iraq, and Jordan against ISIS, pressuring U.S. to cut ties with Kurdish militants.
土耳其计划与叙利亚、伊拉克和约旦联手打击伊斯兰国集团残余势力, 有可能让美国停止支持叙利亚的库尔德激进分子。 Turkey plans to join forces with Syria, Iraq, and Jordan to combat the remnants of the Islamic State group, potentially allowing the U.S. to end support for Kurdish militants in Syria. 土耳其反对美国支持的库尔德人领导的称为YPG的部队,认为他们与恐怖主义团体库尔德工人党有关联。 Turkey opposes the U.S.-backed Kurdish-led forces, known as the YPG, viewing them as linked to the PKK, a terrorist group. YPG在打击ISIS和看守ISIS囚犯方面一直起着关键作用。 The YPG has been key in fighting ISIS and guards ISIS prisoners. 土耳其呼吁美国总统特朗普停止支持库尔德战斗人员。 Turkey calls for U.S. President Trump to stop supporting Kurdish fighters.