以色列从加沙的Netzarim走廊撤出,理由是在哈马斯集结中临时撤出。 Israel withdraws from Gaza's Netzarim Corridor, citing a temporary pullout amid a Hamas regroup.
以色列军队已完成从加沙Netzarim走廊的撤离,作为从加沙军事前哨分阶段撤出的一部分。 The Israeli army has completed a withdrawal from the Netzarim Corridor in Gaza, as part of a phased pullout from military outposts there. 这一行动遵循了囚犯交换协议,是哈马斯重新集结时采取的。 This move follows a prisoner exchange agreement and comes as Hamas regroups. 一名以色列国防军军官表示,撤离是暂时的,表明以色列仍然准备迎接今后的冲突。 An IDF officer indicated the withdrawal is temporary, suggesting Israel remains prepared for future conflicts.