经过两周的军事行动,以色列军队撤出了加沙的阿尔希法医院。 Israeli forces withdraw from Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza after a two-week military operation.
经过两周的军事行动,以色列军队撤出了加沙的阿尔希法医院,在清剿行动中杀死了武装分子并缴获了武器。 Israeli forces have withdrawn from Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital after a two-week military operation, killing militants and seizing weaponry during the sweep. 以色列军方称,此次行动“在防止对平民、病人和医疗队造成伤害的同时”进行。 The Israeli military stated that the operation was conducted "while preventing harm to civilians, patients, and medical teams". 哈马斯控制的加沙卫生部证实了撤离的消息,但报告称医院大楼遭到严重破坏,留下数百具尸体。 The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry confirmed the withdrawal, but reported vast destruction and hundreds of bodies left behind at the hospital complex.