随着与哈马斯冲突的升级,以色列部队撤离加沙郊区,造成更多的平民流离失所。 Israeli forces evacuate Gaza suburb as conflict with Hamas escalates, causing more civilian displacement.
在哈马斯向以色列军事基地发射火箭之后,以色列军队已下令撤离加沙市的Shejaiya郊区。 The Israeli army has ordered the evacuation of the Shejaiya suburb in Gaza City after Hamas launched rockets at an Israeli military base. 这已导致更多的平民流离失所。 This has led to more civilian displacement. 以色列军队以空袭和地面行动作出回应,引起对平民伤亡和冲突进一步升级的关切。 The Israeli military has responded with airstrikes and ground operations, raising concerns about civilian casualties and further conflict escalation.