前部长尼尔·布莱尔发起启动,将农场废物变成宝贵的健康产品。 Former minister Niall Blair launches startup turning farm waste into valuable health products.
前新南威尔士州农业部长Niall Blair推出了Alkira治疗器,这是将农业废物转化为可持续营养产品的启动。 Former NSW Minister for Agriculture Niall Blair launched Alkira Therapeutics, a startup converting agricultural waste into sustainable nutraceutical products. 在北爱尔兰废物管理的启发下, Alkira利用清洁技术将葡萄麦片等副产品转化为有价值的原料,旨在减少农业部门的废弃物和碳足迹。 Inspired by Northern Ireland’s waste management, Alkira uses clean technology to turn by-products like grape marc into valuable ingredients, aiming to reduce waste and carbon footprint in the agricultural sector. 该公司的目标是价值6万美元的补充药品市场,重点是将废物再加工成高质量、经认证的澳大利亚成份。 The company targets the $60m complementary medicines market, focusing on repurposing waste into high-quality, certified Australian ingredients.