5名泰国俘虏在加沙一年后返回家园, Five Thai captives return home after a year in Gaza, as hostage exchange concludes.
在加沙关押一年多的五名泰国国民已返回曼谷,作为交换人质的一部分。 Five Thai nationals held captive in Gaza for over a year have returned to Bangkok as part of a hostage exchange. 他们是2023年10月哈马斯袭击以色列时被绑架的31名泰国农业工人之一。 They were among 31 Thai agricultural workers kidnapped in the October 2023 Hamas assault on Israel. 泰国政府与以色列大使一起,欢迎苏瓦纳布胡米机场的男子。 The Thai government, along with the Israeli ambassador, welcomed the men at Suvarnabhumi airport. 冲突期间共有46名泰国人被杀害,并继续努力争取释放剩余的一名泰国人质,并追回两名死亡工人的尸体。 A total of 46 Thais have been killed during the conflict, and efforts continue to secure the release of one remaining Thai hostage and recover the bodies of two deceased workers.