作为停火协议的一部分,自 2023 年 10 月以来被关押在加沙的五名泰国人质被释放。 Five Thai hostages held in Gaza since October 2023 were released as part of a ceasefire deal.
作为以色列和哈马斯之间停火协议的一部分,自 2023 年 10 月以来被关押在加沙的五名人质被释放。 Five Thai hostages held in Gaza since October 2023 were released as part of a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas. 这些农场工人与三名以色列人一起被释放,在以色列一家医院被接收,并将在 10 天内返回泰国。 The farm workers, freed along with three Israelis, were received at an Israeli hospital and will return to Thailand within 10 days. 此次释放是在一次人质与囚犯的交换之后进行的,标志着长达一年的磨难的结束;最初被绑架的 31 名泰国工人中有 23 人已提前获释,两人被确认死亡。 The release follows a hostage-prisoner exchange and marks the end of a year-long ordeal; 23 of the 31 initially abducted Thai workers were released earlier, and two were confirmed dead. 他们的家人在听到他们安全返回的消息后表示深深的宽慰和感激。 Their families expressed deep relief and gratitude upon hearing of their safe return.