哈马斯在加沙释放了人质,但由于现场混乱,以色列推迟了囚犯的释放。 Hamas freed hostages in Gaza, but Israel delayed prisoner releases due to chaotic scenes.
哈马斯在加沙释放了 3 名以色列人和 5 名泰国人质,但由于移交时的混乱场面,以色列推迟了 110 名巴勒斯坦囚犯的释放。 Hamas released three Israeli and five Thai hostages in Gaza, but Israel delayed the release of 110 Palestinian prisoners due to chaotic scenes at the handover. 人质包括 80 岁的 Gadi Moses 和 29 岁的 Arbel Yehud,在充满敌意的人群中被移交。 The hostages, including Gadi Moses, 80, and Arbel Yehud, 29, were handed over amid a hostile crowd. 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡谴责了这些场景,威胁那些伤害人质的人。 Israeli PM Netanyahu condemned the scenes, threatening those who harm the hostages. 被释放的人包括扎卡里亚·祖贝迪 (Zakaria Zubeidi),他是一位以袭击以色列人而闻名的前激进分子领导人,作为停火协议的一部分被释放。 Among those to be freed is Zakaria Zubeidi, a former militant leader known for attacks against Israelis, who was released as part of the ceasefire deal.