奥克兰美术馆由于漏水管的安全问题暂时关闭。 Auckland Art Gallery closes temporarily due to safety concerns from a leaking pipe.
奥克兰美术馆因二楼漏水管的安全问题暂时关闭。 The Auckland Art Gallery has temporarily closed due to safety concerns from a leaking pipe on the second floor. 目前正在进行安全评估,该画廊正在优先保护其收藏品、工作人员和访客。 A safety assessment is ongoing, and the gallery is prioritizing the protection of its collection, staff, and visitors. 更新将在他们的网站和社交媒体上分享,持票人可以重新安排时间或获得退款。 Updates will be shared on their website and social media, and ticket holders can reschedule or receive refunds.