威尔逊·索斯(Wilson Sons)为巴西的港口交货测试无人机, Wilson Sons tests drones for port deliveries in Brazil, a first for the country, to boost safety and efficiency.
巴西最古老的航运机构Wilson Sons正在萨尔瓦多港测试无人驾驶飞机运送和运货,这标志着巴西首次将无人驾驶飞机用于港口运送。 Wilson Sons, Brazil's oldest shipping agency, is testing drones for deliveries and pickups at the Port of Salvador, marking the first use of drones for port deliveries in Brazil. 这些无人驾驶飞机由巴西第一家获得授权可飞过视线的无人驾驶飞机的公司Speedbird Aero操作。 The drones are operated by Speedbird Aero, the first company in Brazil to receive authorization to fly drones beyond visual line of sight. 这一创新旨在提高港口部门的安全性、效率和可持续性。 This innovation aims to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability in the port sector.