亚马逊联合王国参与英国民航局为空气空间一体化进行的无人机发射试验。 Amazon UK participates in UK CAA's drone delivery trials for airspace integration.
亚马逊英国公司被选中参加试验,测试无人机交付作为英国民航局 (CAA) 新计划的一部分. Amazon UK has been selected to participate in trials testing drone deliveries as part of a new UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) scheme. 试验的目的是收集无人机检测和避开的安全数据,以及其他空域用户和空中交通控制的电子信号. The trials aim to gather safety data on drone detection and avoidance, and electronic signals for visibility to other airspace users and air traffic control. 通过将无人驾驶飞机安全地纳入英国领空,民航局希望为无人驾驶飞机在目视线以外作业成为日常现实铺平道路。 By integrating drones safely into UK airspace, the CAA hopes to pave the way for drone operations beyond visual line of sight to become an everyday reality. 该倡议涉及六个项目,包括亚马逊第一航空服务,目的是在不到一小时的时间内使用无人机向客户提供小包。 The initiative involves six projects, including Amazon's Prime Air service, which aims to deliver small packages to customers in less than an hour using drones.