亚马逊的无人机传送计划面临噪音问题, Amazon's drone delivery program faces noise concerns, delaying federal approval for expansion.
亚马逊的无人机配送计划面临着噪音问题, 寻求联邦批准扩大运营, 居民抱怨无人机的声音像"一大群蜜蜂". Amazon's drone delivery program faces challenges over noise concerns as it seeks federal approval to expand operations, with residents complaining about the loud drone sounds likened to a "giant hive of bees." 也有人对澳洲的Alphabet无人机和尼泊尔珠穆朗玛峰垃圾清理使用的无人机提出类似指控。 Similar complaints have been made about Alphabet's drones in Australia and drones used for Mount Everest trash cleanup in Nepal. 亚马逊计划增加得克萨斯州大学站的航班, Amazon plans to increase flights in College Station, Texas, but awaits approval to expand beyond there.