包括一名青少年在内的两名嫌疑人在都柏林因抢劫被捕;缴获了火器。 Two suspects, including a juvenile, were arrested in Dublin for a robbery; a firearm was seized.
2025 年 2 月 7 日,两名男子(一名 20 多岁)和一名青少年因与都柏林第 7 区的一起抢劫案有关而被捕。 Two individuals, one in his 20s and a juvenile, were arrested in connection with a robbery in Dublin's 7th district on February 7, 2025. 逮捕期间缴获了可疑的火器和弹药,警察技术局将对此进行分析。 A suspected firearm and ammunition were seized during the arrest and will be analyzed by the Garda Technical Bureau. 预计嫌疑人将在今天晚些时候出庭,成年人将面对刑事法院,青少年将在都柏林地区儿童法院出庭。 The suspects are expected to appear in court later today, with the adult facing the Criminal Courts of Justice and the juvenile appearing in the Dublin District Children's Court.