在西法戈,有两人在交通中途停留后被捕;一人因毒品被捕,另一人因逃避逮捕而被捕。 Two people were arrested in West Fargo after a traffic stop; one for drugs, the other for evading arrest.
星期四晚上10时30分左右,在北达科他州West Fargo发生交通阻塞后,有两人在西法戈被捕。 Two individuals were arrested in West Fargo, North Dakota, after a traffic stop on Thursday night around 10:30 p.m. Fargo男子因持有毒品而被捕,Graceville,明尼苏达州妇女因试图逃跑和持有尚未执行的搜查令而被捕。 The Fargo man was arrested for possessing drug paraphernalia, while the Graceville, Minnesota woman was arrested for attempting to flee and having an outstanding warrant. 她试图开走,但当警察的车把她的车压在雪堆上时,她被拦住了。 She tried to drive away but was stopped when the officer's car pinned hers against a snowbank. 两人均被带往Cass县监狱。 Both were taken to Cass County jail.