两名来自布拉德利的男子在因吊销执照、逮捕令和持有毒品而在交通拦截时被捕。 Two men from Bradley arrested during traffic stop for suspended license, warrants, and drug possession.
Bradley的两名男子在星期天的交通停留时被捕。 Two men from Bradley were arrested during a traffic stop on Sunday. Roger Black,47岁,因驾驶执照被吊销而被拦下,并因未能出庭而持有逮捕令。 Roger Black, 47, was pulled over for driving with a suspended license and had an arrest warrant for failing to appear in court. 他的乘客Noah Harris 23岁 也持有尚未执行的逮捕令 His passenger, Noah Harris, 23, also had an outstanding warrant. 执法部门在汽车中发现涉嫌芬太尼和快克可卡因,导致Harris除逮捕令外还被指控持有毒品。 Law enforcement found suspected fentanyl and crack cocaine in the car, leading to Harris being charged with drug possession in addition to his warrant.