两名男子在密苏里因持有毒品被捕,因为警察注意到有损伤迹象。 Two men were arrested in Missouri for drug possession after officers noticed signs of impairment.
两名男子Aarron Ragan和Allen Richards在Osage海滩向军官询问方向后被捕。 Two men, Aarron Ragan and Allen Richards, were arrested in Osage Beach after asking officers for directions. 警官注意到有损伤迹象,K-9搜查了他们的车辆,发现大约两克甲基苯丙胺。 Officers noticed signs of impairment, and a K-9 search of their vehicle found about two grams of methamphetamine. Ragan被控持有毒品和驾驶吊销执照,而Richards则面临持有毒品的指控。 Ragan was charged with drug possession and driving with a revoked license, while Richards faced drug possession charges. 两人都关押在Camden县监狱。 Both are being held at Camden County Jail.