两名男子在阿森松教区被捕,他们持有60克芬太尼和其他毒品,面临多重指控。 Two men were arrested in Ascension Parish with over 60 grams of fentanyl and other drugs, facing multiple charges.
两名男子,Leroy Manor和Jeremiah Millien,经过多机构毒品调查,在阿森松教区被捕。 Two men, Leroy Manor and Jeremiah Millien, were arrested in Ascension Parish after a multi-agency drug investigation. 在几个地点执行搜查令期间,查获了60多克芬太尼和其他毒品,如甲基安非他明、可卡因和大麻。 Over 60 grams of fentanyl and other drugs like methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana were seized during the search warrants executed at several locations. Manor和Millien被指控犯有各种与毒品和武器有关的罪行,目前被关押在阿森松教区监狱。 Manor and Millien were charged with various drug and weapon-related offenses and are now in Ascension Parish Jail.