Tyler Leclerc因被指控对多个儿童进行性虐待而被捕。 Martial arts instructor Tyler Leclerc arrested for alleged sexual abuse of multiple children.
Tyler Leclerc, 28岁,纽约州Hyde公园武术教官,2月5日被捕,罪名是多年来性虐待多名儿童。 Tyler Leclerc, a 28-year-old martial arts instructor from Hyde Park, NY, was arrested on February 5 for allegedly sexually abusing multiple children over several years. Leclerc面临指控,包括性犯罪和危害儿童罪。 Leclerc faces charges including criminal sexual act and child endangerment. 他被扣在荷兰女神县监狱,保释金为20万美元。 He is held in Dutchess County Jail on a $200,000 cash bail. 纽约州警察正在进行调查,并敦促任何有情报的人与他们联系。 The New York State Police are investigating and urge anyone with information to contact them.