罗纳德·利普特拉普因在美国弗吉尼亚州考文顿的一场高中足球比赛中性侵未成年女孩而被捕; 面临性侵和公共醉酒的指控. Ronald Liptrap arrested for sexually assaulting underage girls during a high school football game in Covington, VA; faces charges of sexual assault and public intoxication.
Ronald Lipstrap于9月13日在弗吉尼亚州科文顿的高中足球比赛中被捕, Ronald Liptrap was arrested on September 13 in Covington, Virginia, during a high school football game, accused of sexually assaulting underage girls. 警方在晚上8时35分左右收到一份报告,结果查明了多名受害者。 The police received a report around 8:35 p.m., leading to the identification of multiple victims. Liptrap 面临性侵犯和公共场合醉酒的指控,被关押在没有保释金的情况下。 Liptrap faces charges of sexual assault and public intoxication and is held without bond. 调查正在进行中,当局鼓励任何掌握情报的人与科文顿警察局联系。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities encourage anyone with information to contact the Covington Police.