Paul Locklear老师在NC被捕,罪名是儿童性犯罪,以2M保释金入狱。 Teacher Paul Locklear arrested in NC on child sex offense charges, jailed on $2M bond.
一名53岁的教师和寄养父母Paul Locklear在北卡罗来纳州因多项儿童性犯罪指控被捕。 A 53-year-old teacher and foster parent, Paul Locklear, has been arrested in North Carolina on multiple child sex offense charges. 调查始于8月,当时一名寄养儿童离家出走,并与警长办公室联系。 The investigation began in August when a foster child ran away and contacted the sheriff's office. 洛克勒面临指控,包括替代父母的性活动和轻度性侵犯,指控可追溯到2022年。 Locklear faces charges including sexual activity by a substitute parent and misdemeanor sexual battery, with allegations dating back to 2022. 他被判处200万美元的保释金, 达林顿县学校区表示他不再在那里工作. He has been jailed on a $2 million bond, and the Darlington County School District has stated he is no longer employed there. 包括FBI在内的多个机构参与了正在进行的调查。 Multiple agencies, including the FBI, are involved in the ongoing investigation.