Manuel Gomez, 52岁,在洛杉矶被捕,被控在格鲁吉亚对一名未成年人进行性攻击超过五年。 Manuel Gomez, 52, arrested in LA for alleged sexual assaults of a minor over five years in Georgia.
52岁的Manuel Gomez在逃离GA的Valdosta后在洛杉矶被捕,被控在五年内对一名16岁以下女孩进行多次性攻击。 Manuel Gomez, 52, was arrested in Los Angeles after fleeing Valdosta, GA, where he is charged with sexually assaulting a girl under 16 multiple times over five years. Valdosta警察局与洛杉矶警察局合作,寻找并逮捕了Gomez, Gomez因移民身份也正在接受调查。 The Valdosta Police Department worked with LAPD to locate and arrest Gomez, who is also under investigation for his immigration status. 他将被引渡,以面临包括强奸、严重猥亵儿童和虐待儿童等指控。 He is set to be extradited to face charges including rape, aggravated child molestation, and cruelty to children. VPD正在寻求公众提供补充资料。 The VPD is seeking additional information from the public.