在脸书上遇到的因性攻击未成年女孩而被通缉的男子;据信他逃往墨西哥。 Man wanted for sexually assaulting underage girl he met on Facebook; believed to have fled to Mexico.
Jose Luis Cruz Ortega, 24岁,来自明尼苏达州道奇中心的男子,据称因性攻击他在脸书上遇到的一名未成年女孩而被通缉。 Jose Luis Cruz Ortega, a 24-year-old man from Dodge Center, Minnesota, is wanted for allegedly sexually assaulting an underage girl he met on Facebook. 据报告,这次袭击发生在去年5月至6月的Oronoco。 The assault reportedly took place between May and June last year in Oronoco. Cruz Ortega被控犯有三度和四度性犯罪行为。 Cruz Ortega is charged with third-degree and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. 执法部门认为,他逃往墨西哥,因此不可能被捕。 Law enforcement believes he has fled to Mexico, making his apprehension unlikely.