26岁的Wilson Castillo Diaz在长岛被捕,据称他强奸了一名5岁女孩。 Wilson Castillo Diaz, 26, was arrested in Long Island for allegedly raping a five-year-old girl.
Wilson Castillo Diaz, 26岁,无证移民,因据称于10月16日强奸一名5岁女孩,在纽约长岛被捕。 Wilson Castillo Diaz, a 26-year-old undocumented immigrant, was arrested in Long Island, New York, for allegedly raping a five-year-old girl on October 16. Diaz于2014年非法进入美国,此前因未出席移民法庭庭审而被释放。 Diaz entered the U.S. illegally in 2014 and was previously released after failing to attend an immigration court hearing. 他面临多重指控,包括一级强奸,目前持有200 000美元的保证金。 He faces multiple charges, including first-degree rape, and is currently held on a $200,000 bond. 受害者被送往医院接受评估,当局正在敦促可能有更多的受害者站出来。 The victim was taken to a hospital for evaluation, and authorities are urging potential additional victims to come forward.