印度放宽了旧式汽车进口规则,允许50岁以下的汽车没有特别许可证。 India eases vintage car import rules, allowing cars up to 50 years old without special licenses.
印度放松了对旧车的进口限制,现在允许50年或50岁以上的车辆在没有特别许可证的情况下进口,从而扩大了从1950年以前的车型到1975年的车型的资格。 India has relaxed its import restrictions on vintage cars, now allowing vehicles 50 years or older to be imported without special licenses, expanding eligibility from pre-1950 to 1975 models. 改革的目的是保护汽车遗产,推动经典汽车市场,使收藏者和修复者受益。 The change aims to preserve automotive heritage and boost the classic car market, benefiting collectors and restorers. 然而,这些车辆的转售是被禁止的,必须仅用于个人目的。 However, the resale of these vehicles is prohibited, and they must be used for personal purposes only.