Singhania认为印度的劳动力市场是汽车复原的理想, Singhania sees India's labor market as ideal for car restoration, seeking to import and re-export foreign vehicles.
Raymond 的董事长 Gautam Singhania 认为,由于印度的劳动密集型能力,汽车修复存在巨大机会。 Raymond's Chairman, Gautam Singhania, sees a big opportunity for car restoration in India due to its labor-intensive capabilities. 随着国外劳动力成本的上升和劳动力短缺, 他认为印度可以利用这个部门。 With rising labor costs abroad and labor shortages, he believes India can capitalize on this sector. Singhania已与政府讨论此事, 他的超级汽车俱乐部车库申请进口外国车辆的许可证, Singhania has discussed this with the government and his Super Car Club Garage seeks a license to import foreign vehicles for restoration and re-export, currently unallowed except for cars made before 1950.