中国学生Zhenhao Zou在伦敦法院面临11起强奸指控和其他罪行。 Chinese student Zhenhao Zou faces 11 rape charges and other offenses in London court.
Zhenhao Zou(英国27岁中国学生)在伦敦受审, 被控11起强奸罪, Zhenhao Zou, a 27-year-old Chinese student in the UK, is on trial in London facing 11 rape charges, among other serious offenses including voyeurism and possession of illegal images and drugs. 最突出的指控涉及强奸一名在意识中坠落和失去意识的妇女,Zou声称她认为她知道并表示同意。 The most prominent allegation involves raping a woman who fell in and out of consciousness, with Zou claiming he thought she was aware and consenting. 内部伦敦刑事法院正在进行审判。 The trial is ongoing at Inner London Crown Court.