3月20日,31岁中国留学生王哲在伦敦东南部刘易舍姆被刺死; 24 岁的美国学生约书亚·迈克尔斯 (Joshua Michals) 被指控犯有谋杀罪。 31-year-old Chinese student Zhe Wang stabbed to death in Lewisham, South East London on 20 March; American student Joshua Michals, 24, charged with murder.
3月20日,31岁的中国留学生王哲在伦敦东南部刘易舍姆被刺死。 31-year-old Chinese student Zhe Wang was stabbed to death in Lewisham, South East London on 20 March. 约书亚·迈克尔斯 (Joshua Michals) 是一名 24 岁的美国学生,也是金史密斯学院的学生,她被指控谋杀。 Joshua Michals, a 24-year-old American student and fellow Goldsmiths College student, has been charged with her murder. 两人均出庭,审判定于 2025 年 1 月进行。 Both appeared in court, with the trial set for January 2025. 警方正在支持王的近亲,并敦促任何有信息的人与他们联系。 The police are supporting Wang's next of kin and urging anyone with information to contact them.